Rhizo – Bio – Com

Rhizo – Bio – Com

Rhizo-Bio-com is produced from Rhizobium, a legume root-nodule bacterium living in soil that induces the formation of special structures (nodules) on the roots of their host plants.

Rhizo-Bio-com is produced from Rhizobium, a legume root-nodule bacterium living in soil that induces the formation of special structures (nodules) on the roots of their host plants. Thus a symbiotic association with legume plants is established. This association is symbiotic in that both the plant and rhizobia benefit. The plant supplies the rhizobia with energy in the form of amino acids and the rhizobia fix nitrogen from the atmosphere for plant uptake.

Crops: All legume plants (Beans, Lentils, Peanuts and Peas)

Mode of Action: Rhizibium converts dinitrogen into ammonia.  Ammonia is toxic, so it is rapidly assimilated into organic compounds, most of which the bacteria pass to the plant to fulfil its nutritional need for nitrogen.  Nitrogen fixation is an energy-intensive process, and the bacteria take carbon compounds from the plant to fuel it.  It is a symbiosis, because the bacteria live in intimate association with the plant, and a mutualism, because both partners gain.

Seed Treatment: Mix 10 ml of Rhizo-Bio-com with 1 kg of seeds and moisturize with cooled rice gruel or water and leave it for 30 minutes and sow the seeds.

Root dipping: The root of seedlings should be treated with 1 % solution (10ml/litre) of Rhizo-Bio-com for at least 10 minutes before plantation. Prolonged dipping or soaking is acceptable and it will enhance the efficiency.

Soil application: 1 litre of Rhizo-Bio-com is recommended per acre. Mix the desired volume with 50 – 100 kg of farmyard manure or sand and broadcast it in the field.  Rhizo-Bio-com can also be applied through drip irrigation.

Spray:  Foliar and bunch spray can be done. Spray the Rhizo-Bio-com at 0.5 – 2.0% concentration (5ml – 20 ml / litre of water) at regular interval of 1 month after transplantation.

Content: Rhizobium (2 x 109 cfu / ml)

Caution: Do not mix with chemical fungicides or fertilizers.

Expiry: One year from the date of manufacturing

Pack size: 1000ml and 500ml